EPA:GTT - Euronext Paris - Matif - FR0011726835 - Common Stock - Currency: EUR
EPA:GTT (3/7/2025, 7:00:00 PM)
-1.8 (-1.26%)
The current stock price of GTT.PA is 140.5 EUR. In the past month the price decreased by -2.9%. In the past year, price decreased by -1.75%.
Symbol | Name | TA | FA | PE | Market Cap |
ONK.DE | ONEOK INC | 17.56 | 52.19B | ||
FRO.OL | FRONTLINE PLC | 8.09 | 39.80B | ||
HAFNI.OL | HAFNIA LTD | 2.93 | 24.52B | ||
BWLPG.OL | BW LPG LTD | 4.27 | 18.44B | ||
FLNG.OL | FLEX LNG LTD | 9.3 | 12.95B | ||
VPK.AS | VOPAK | 23.65 | 4.68B | ||
CMBT.BR | CMB TECH NV | 2.52 | 1.90B | ||
VH2.DE | FRIEDRICH VORWERK GROUP SE | 27.7 | 781.00M | ||
AGAS.OL | AVANCE GAS HOLDING LTD | 0.12 | 756.49M | ||
EXM.BR | EXMAR NV | 5.92 | 679.49M | ||
Gaztransport & Technigaz SA is an engineering company engaged in designing containment systems with cryogenic membranes used to transport LNG for onshore and offshore LNG storage. The company is headquartered in Saint-Remy-Les-Chevreuse, Ile-De-France and currently employs 512 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2014-02-27. The company offers, together with its subsidiaries, consultancy services, engineering studies, assistance, operations support, membrane tanks maintenance services, digital solutions and training services, among others. The firm is working on new LNG containment technologies, as well as on solutions for use with other liquefied gases, technologies and engineering solutions for the offshore industry, multi-gas carriers, and small and midsize carriers. The company also offers new applications for the growing market for LNG as a propulsion fuel. The firm runs its own test laboratory and is actively involved in research via its partnerships with engineering companies, research institutes, laboratories and universities.
1 route de Versailles
Saint-Remy-les-Chevreuse ILE-DE-FRANCE FR
Employees: 750
Company Website: https://www.gtt.fr/
Investor Relations: http://www.gtt.fr/finance/investor-relations/investors-pack
Phone: 33130234789
The current stock price of GTT.PA is 140.5 EUR. The price decreased by -1.26% in the last trading session.
The exchange symbol of GAZTRANSPORT ET TECHNIGA SA is GTT and it is listed on the Euronext Paris - Matif exchange.
GTT.PA stock is listed on the Euronext Paris - Matif exchange.
10 analysts have analysed GTT.PA and the average price target is 183.16 EUR. This implies a price increase of 30.37% is expected in the next year compared to the current price of 140.5. Check the GAZTRANSPORT ET TECHNIGA SA stock analysts ratings, price target forecast and up-and down grades for more detailed information.
GAZTRANSPORT ET TECHNIGA SA (GTT.PA) has a market capitalization of 5.22B EUR. This makes GTT.PA a Mid Cap stock.
GAZTRANSPORT ET TECHNIGA SA (GTT.PA) currently has 750 employees.
GAZTRANSPORT ET TECHNIGA SA (GTT.PA) has a support level at 135.42 and a resistance level at 141.86. Check the full technical report for a detailed analysis of GTT.PA support and resistance levels.
The Revenue of GAZTRANSPORT ET TECHNIGA SA (GTT.PA) is expected to grow by 23.02% in the next year. Check the estimates tab for more information on the GTT.PA EPS, Sales, EBIT and EBITDA future analyst estimates.
There is no straightforward answer here. It depends on your investment strategy as different types of investors will look at different aspects. In any case it is important to make an informed decision and these pages can help you forming an opinion:
GAZTRANSPORT ET TECHNIGA SA (GTT.PA) has a dividend yield of 5.27%. The yearly dividend amount is currently 3.4. Check the full fundamental report for a detailed analysis of GTT.PA dividend history, reliability and sustainability.
GAZTRANSPORT ET TECHNIGA SA (GTT.PA) will report earnings on 2025-04-17.
The PE ratio for GAZTRANSPORT ET TECHNIGA SA (GTT.PA) is 15.04. This is based on the reported non-GAAP earnings per share of 9.34 and the current share price of 140.5 EUR. Check the full fundamental report for a full analysis of the valuation metrics for GTT.PA.
ChartMill assigns a technical rating of 6 / 10 to GTT.PA. When comparing the yearly performance of all stocks, GTT.PA turns out to be only a medium performer in the overall market: it outperformed 44.75% of all stocks.
ChartMill assigns a fundamental rating of 7 / 10 to GTT.PA. GTT.PA scores excellent points on both the profitability and health parts. This is a solid base for a good stock.
Over the last trailing twelve months GTT.PA reported a non-GAAP Earnings per Share(EPS) of 9.34. The EPS increased by 71.97% compared to the year before.
Industry Rank | Sector Rank | ||
PM (TTM) | 54.02% | ||
ROA | 42.68% | ||
ROE | 75.37% | ||
Debt/Equity | 0.03 |
ChartMill assigns a Buy % Consensus number of 86% to GTT.PA. The Buy consensus is the average rating of analysts ratings from 10 analysts.
For the next year, analysts expect an EPS growth of 19.18% and a revenue growth 23.02% for GTT.PA