US3765461070 - Common Stock

13.3  +0.06 (+0.45%)


NASDAQ:GAIN (1/3/2025, 8:00:01 PM)


+0.06 (+0.45%)

Chartmill TA Rating
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GICS SectorFinancials
GICS IndustryCapital Markets
GICS SubIndustryAsset Management & Custody Banks
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%0%
Sales Q2Q%11.28%
6 Month-5.34%
Earnings (Last)11-07 2024-11-07/amc
Earnings (Next)02-04 2025-02-04/amc
Ins Owners2.34%
Inst Owners15.3%
Market Cap487.98M
Fwd PE14.25
Dividend Yield7.25%
Short Float %8.13%
Short Ratio23.28
IPO06-23 2005-06-23
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Company Profile

Gladstone Investment Corporation is a business development company that seeks to make secured debt and equity investments in lower middle market businesses in the United States. The company is headquartered in Mclean, Virginia and currently employs 70 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2005-06-23. The firm operates as an externally managed, closed-end, non-diversified management investment company. Its investment objectives are to achieve and grow current income by investing in debt securities of established businesses that it believes will provide stable earnings and cash flow to pay expenses, make principal and interest payments on its outstanding indebtedness and make distributions to stockholders that grow over time; and provide its stockholders with long-term capital appreciation in the value of its assets by investing in equity securities of established businesses, generally in combination with the aforementioned debt securities, that it believe can grow over time to permit them to sell its equity investments for capital gains. Its investment advisor is Gladstone Management Corporation.

Company Info


1616 Anderson Rd

McLean VIRGINIA 22102

P: 17032875800

CEO: David Gladstone

Employees: 70


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