US29476L1070 - REIT
NYSE:EQR (12/20/2024, 8:07:23 PM)
After market: 71.35 0 (0%)71.35
+1.86 (+2.68%)
Equity Residential is a real estate investment trust, which engages in the acquisition, development, and management of rental apartment properties, which includes the generation of rental and other related income through the leasing of apartment units to residents. The company is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois and currently employs 2,400 full-time employees. The firm is focused on the acquisition, development and management of residential properties located in and around cities. The Company’s primary business is the acquisition, development, and management of multifamily residential properties, which includes the generation of rental and other related income through the leasing of apartment units to residents. The firm owns and operates rental apartment properties, with a presence in Boston, New York, Washington, D.C., Southern California, including Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego), San Francisco and Seattle, and an expanding presence in Denver, Atlanta, Dallas/Ft. Worth and Austin. The firm owns 313 properties located in 10 states and the District of Columbia consisting of 84,018 apartment units. ERP Operating Limited Partnership (ERPOP) conducts the multifamily residential property business of Equity Residential.
Two North Riverside Plaza, Suite 400
Chicago ILLINOIS 60606
P: 13129281178
CEO: Mark J. Parrell
Employees: 2400
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