US18270D1063 - Common Stock

4.48  +0.14 (+3.23%)

After market: 4.48 0 (0%)


NYSE:CMTG (1/3/2025, 8:04:00 PM)

After market: 4.48 0 (0%)


+0.14 (+3.23%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorFinancials
GICS IndustryMortgage Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)"
GICS SubIndustryMortgage REITs
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%-6.25%
Sales Q2Q%-19.92%
6 Month-44.21%
Earnings (Last)11-07 2024-11-07/amc
Earnings (Next)02-18 2025-02-18/amc
Ins Owners1.41%
Inst Owners63.88%
Market Cap624.33M
Fwd PE10.02
Dividend Yield13.39%
Short Float %3.38%
Short Ratio10.63
IPO11-03 2021-11-03
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Company Profile

Claros Mortgage Trust, Inc. is a commercial real estate finance company that focuses on originating senior and subordinate loans on transitional CRE assets located in U.S. markets. The company is headquartered in New York City, New York. The company went IPO on 2021-11-03. The firm is focused primarily on originating senior and subordinate loans on transitional commercial real estate (CRE) assets located in markets across the United Sates. Its objective is to provide debt capital for transitional CRE assets and, in doing so, to generate risk-adjusted returns for its stockholders. The company seeks primarily to originate, co-originate and acquire senior and subordinate loans on transitional CRE assets located in the United States markets and generally intend to hold its loans to maturity. In addition to its primary focus on the United States markets, it also seeks to originate senior and subordinate loans on transitional CRE assets located in other markets. The company also focuses on mortgage loans secured by a first priority or subordinate mortgage on transitional CRE assets, and subordinate loans, including mezzanine loans. The firm is externally managed and advised by Claros REIT Management LP.

Company Info


60 Columbus Circle, 20Th Floor

New York City NEW YORK

P: 12124840050

Employees: 0


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