US1890541097 - Common Stock

162.89  +1.06 (+0.66%)

After market: 162.89 0 (0%)


NYSE:CLX (1/3/2025, 8:04:00 PM)

After market: 162.89 0 (0%)


+1.06 (+0.66%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorConsumer Staples
GICS IndustryHousehold Products
GICS SubIndustryHousehold Products
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%279.59%
Sales Q2Q%27.13%
6 Month22.27%
Earnings (Last)10-30 2024-10-30/amc
Earnings (Next)01-30 2025-01-30/amc
Ins Owners0.19%
Inst Owners84.04%
Market Cap20.16B
Fwd PE22.15
Dividend Yield3.02%
Short Float %3.12%
Short Ratio3.18
IPO08-01 1928-08-01
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Company Profile

The Clorox Co. engages in the manufacture and marketing of consumer and professional products. The company is headquartered in Oakland, California and currently employs 7,400 full-time employees. The firm operates through four segments: Health and Wellness, Household, Lifestyle, and International. Its Health and Wellness segment consists of cleaning, disinfecting and professional products marketed and sold under the Clorox, Clorox2, Pine-Sol, Scentiva, Tilex, Liquid-Plumr and Formula 409 brands in the United States. Its Household segment consists of bags and wraps, cat litter and grilling products marketed and sold under the Glad, Fresh Step and Scoop Away, and Kingsford brands in the United States. The lifestyle segment consists of food, water-filtration and natural personal care products marketed and sold under the Hidden Valley, Brita and Burt’s Bees brands. International consists of products sold outside the United States. Its products within this segment include laundry additives, home care products, bags and wraps, cat litter, water-filtration products and others.

Company Info


1221 Broadway

Oakland CALIFORNIA 94612

P: 15102717000

CEO: L. Rendle

Employees: 8000


CLX News

News Image3 days ago - Zacks Investment ResearchAre Consumer Staples Stocks Lagging Clorox (CLX) This Year?

Here is how Clorox (CLX) and Pilgrim's Pride (PPC) have performed compared to their sector so far this year.

News Image15 days ago - Investor's Business DailyClorox Stock Gets Relative Strength Rating Lift

On Friday, consumer products Clorox stock got a positive adjustment to its Relative Strength (RS) Rating, from 67 to 76.

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From AI hazards to the CrowdStrike fallout, the growing threat landscape is emboldening CIOs to articulate resilience plans that prevent further disruptions and preserve business continuity.

News Image19 days ago - Zacks Investment ResearchAre Consumer Staples Stocks Lagging Clorox (CLX) This Year?

Here is how Clorox (CLX) and Carriage Services (CSV) have performed compared to their sector so far this year.

News Image22 days ago - Yahoo FinanceQ3 Earnings Recap: Clorox (NYSE:CLX) Tops Household Products Stocks

Let’s dig into the relative performance of Clorox (NYSE:CLX) and its peers as we unravel the now-completed Q3 household products earnings season.

News Imagea month ago - Zacks Investment ResearchClorox (CLX) Upgraded to Buy: What Does It Mean for the Stock?

Clorox (CLX) has been upgraded to a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy), reflecting growing optimism about the company's earnings prospects. This might drive the stock higher in the near term.

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