US2274831047 - Common Stock

18.24  +0.02 (+0.11%)

After market: 18.24 0 (0%)


NASDAQ:CCRN (1/8/2025, 8:00:01 PM)

After market: 18.24 0 (0%)


+0.02 (+0.11%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorHealth Care
GICS IndustryHealth Care Providers & Services
GICS SubIndustryHealth Care Services
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%-69.23%
Sales Q2Q%-28.75%
6 Month32.27%
Earnings (Last)11-06 2024-11-06/amc
Earnings (Next)02-19 2025-02-19/amc
Ins Owners5.59%
Inst Owners106.98%
Market Cap600.46M
Fwd PE31.29
Dividend YieldN/A
Short Float %10.41%
Short Ratio3.52
IPO10-25 2001-10-25
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Company Profile

Cross Country Healthcare, Inc. engages in the provision of healthcare staffing and workforce management solutions. The company is headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida and currently employs 10,831 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2001-10-25. The company operates through two segments: Nurse and Allied Staffing and Physician Staffing. The Nurse and Allied Staffing segment provides traditional staffing, recruiting, and value-added total talent solutions, including temporary and permanent placement of travel and local nurse and allied professionals, and healthcare leaders within nursing, allied, physician, and human resources; vendor neutral programs and managed service programs (MSP); education healthcare services; in-home care services; and outsourcing services. The Physician Staffing segment provides physicians in many specialties, as well as certified registered nurse anesthetists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants as independent contractors on temporary assignments throughout the United States at various healthcare facilities, such as acute and non-acute care facilities, government facilities and managed care organizations.

Company Info


6551 Park of Commerce Blvd.

Boca Raton FLORIDA 33487

P: 15619982232

CEO: Kevin C. Clark

Employees: 10831



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