TSX-V:BRED - TSX Venture Exchange - CA74624T1075 - Common Stock - Currency: CAD
TSX-V:BRED (3/7/2025, 7:00:00 PM)
0 (-11.11%)
The current stock price of BRED.CA is 0.04 CAD. In the past month the price decreased by -27.27%.
Purebread Brands Inc is a CA-based company operating in industry. The company is headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia. The company went IPO on 2022-06-09. Purebread Brands Inc., formerly Coho Collective Kitchens Inc., is a Canada-based commercial real estate and food technology company. The firm serves commercial real estate and food technology, operating fast-casual cafes, bakeries, and shared-kitchen facilities. The firm's brand includes Purebread and Coho Commissary. Its family of brands helps the food and beverage entrepreneurs to scale and gain exposure by offering facilities, equipment, and support through its network of commissary kitchens, retail spaces, and restaurants. Purebread is a handmade bakery with breads, treats, and savories for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Coho Commissary is designed to support a variety of entrepreneurs in launching or growing a food production or food delivery businesses.
1623 Pandora Street
Employees: 0
Company Website: https://purebreadbrands.com/
Investor Relations: http://www.cohocollectivekitchens.com/investors
Phone: 16043755085
The current stock price of BRED.CA is 0.04 CAD. The price decreased by -11.11% in the last trading session.
The exchange symbol of PUREBREAD BRANDS INC is BRED and it is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange exchange.
BRED.CA stock is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange exchange.
PUREBREAD BRANDS INC (BRED.CA) has a market capitalization of 4.63M CAD. This makes BRED.CA a Nano Cap stock.
PUREBREAD BRANDS INC (BRED.CA) currently has 0 employees.
PUREBREAD BRANDS INC (BRED.CA) has a resistance level at 0.05. Check the full technical report for a detailed analysis of BRED.CA support and resistance levels.
There is no straightforward answer here. It depends on your investment strategy as different types of investors will look at different aspects. In any case it is important to make an informed decision and these pages can help you forming an opinion:
BRED.CA does not pay a dividend.
PUREBREAD BRANDS INC (BRED.CA) does not have a PE ratio as the earnings reported over the last twelve months were negative (-0.07).
ChartMill assigns a fundamental rating of 1 / 10 to BRED.CA. BRED.CA may be in some trouble as it scores bad on both profitability and health.
Over the last trailing twelve months BRED.CA reported a non-GAAP Earnings per Share(EPS) of -0.07. The EPS decreased by -1.6% compared to the year before.
Industry Rank | Sector Rank | ||
PM (TTM) | N/A | ||
ROA | -27.6% | ||
ROE | N/A | ||
Debt/Equity | N/A |