FR001400JXA2 - Common Stock
EPA:ALVER (1/3/2025, 7:00:00 PM)
0 (0%)
Vergnet SA engages in designing, production, marketing and installation of wind energy production plants and potable water supply infrastructures. The company is headquartered in Ormes, Centre and currently employs 218 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2007-06-06. The company provides wind turbines, water pumps and combined solutions, among others. The company also offers such services as methodological assistance, preliminary analysis of the wind resource and preliminary wind farm calculation, as well as assistance in obtaining project financing. The company also supplies water for rural areas through Vergnet Hydro SAS and is engaged in the field of photovoltaic solar energy through Photalia SAS. Vergnet SA’s customers are electric power companies and independent power producers. The firm is present in France, as well as in the Caribbean, the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, and Africa. It's subsidiaries include Vergnet Pacific SARL, Vergnet Wind Energy Ltd and Energie 21, among others.
12 rue des Chataigniers
P: 33238523560
Employees: 218
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