FR0010641449 - Common Stock
EPA:ALAGR (12/31/2024, 7:00:00 PM)
0 (0%)
AgroGeneration SA engages in the production of agricultural commodities and raw materials. The company is headquartered in Paris, Ile-De-France and currently employs 363 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2010-03-01. The firm is a producer of grain and oilseeds. Following its merger with Harmelia, the Company becomes the producer of grain and oilseeds in Ukraine. Agrogeneration SA focuses mainly on the production in Ukraine, both in terms of cultivated acreage and operational efficiency. The firm follows traditional crop rotation and puts money into fertilizers, seeds, and agricultural chemicals for the purpose of achieving profitability crop. Operated farmlands of Agrogeneration SA are located in a number of regions in Ukraine, such as Kharkiv, Lviv and Sumy, among others, which represent standards and a propitious climate for achieving yields.
Centre d'affaires REGUS 19 Boulevard, Malesherbes
P: 33155273840
Employees: 438
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