US0070256047 - Common Stock

0.1898  -0.01 (-2.72%)

Premarket: 0.1961 +0.01 (+3.32%)


NASDAQ:ADTX (12/31/2024, 8:06:19 PM)

Premarket: 0.1961 +0.01 (+3.32%)


-0.01 (-2.72%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorHealth Care
GICS IndustryBiotechnology
GICS SubIndustryBiotechnology
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%-127.72%
Sales Q2Q%-94.5%
6 Month-99.67%
Earnings (Last)11-12 2024-11-12/bmo
Earnings (Next)N/A N/A
Ins Owners0.09%
Inst Owners0.45%
Market Cap2.70M
Dividend YieldN/A
Short Float %0.7%
Short Ratio0.03
IPO06-19 2020-06-19
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Company Profile

Aditxt Inc is a US-based company operating in Biotechnology industry. The company is headquartered in Richmond, Virginia and currently employs 47 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2020-06-19. Aditxt, Inc. is a biotech company focused on discovering, developing, and deploying health innovations. The company develops and commercializes technologies with a focus on monitoring and modulating the immune system. Its portfolio includes Adimune, Inc., developing a new class of therapeutics designed to retrain the immune system to address organ rejection, autoimmunity, and allergies; Adivir, Inc., focused on identifying, developing, and commercializing new ways to treat infectious diseases, and Pearsanta, Inc., offering personalized lab testing, backed by CLIA-certified and CAP-accredited monitoring center. Adimune, Inc's immune modulation product candidate, ADI-100, is based on the Apoptotic DNA Immunotherapy platform technology, utilizes a novel approach that mimics the way bodies naturally induce tolerance to own tissues. The company also offers electroencephalography (EEG) brain monitoring technologies and devices, including NeuroCap and NeuroEEG for telehealth and tele-neurology applications.

Company Info


737 N. Fifth Street, Suite 200

Richmond VIRGINIA 94043

P: 19094880844

CEO: Amro Albanna

Employees: 47


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