Logo image of 1KO.MI

COCA-COLA CO/THE (1KO.MI) Stock Price, Quote, News and Overview

BIT:1KO - Euronext Milan - US1912161007 - Common Stock - Currency: EUR

65.79  +1.2 (+1.86%)

1KO.MI Quote, Performance and Key Statistics


BIT:1KO (3/7/2025, 7:00:00 PM)


+1.2 (+1.86%)

GICS SectorConsumer Staples
GICS IndustryBeverages
GICS IndustryGroupFood, Beverage & Tobacco
GICS SubIndustrySoft Drinks & Non-alcoholic Beverages
52 Week HighN/A
52 Week LowN/A
Market Cap282.96B
Yearly Dividend1.79
Dividend Yield2.9%
Fwd PE23.46
Earnings (Next)04-28 2025-04-28/bmo
IPO01-26 1950-01-26

1KO.MI short term performance overview.The bars show the price performance of 1KO.MI in the last week, last 2 weeks, last month, last 3 and 6 months. 1 week 2 week 1 month 3 months 6 months 0 2 4 6 8 10

1KO.MI long term performance overview.The bars show the price performance of 1KO.MI in the last 1, 2 and 3 years. 1 year 2 years 3 years

The current stock price of 1KO.MI is 65.79 EUR. In the past month the price increased by 10.81%.

COCA-COLA CO/THE / 1KO Daily stock chart

1KO.MI Competitors/Peers

The largest stocks on the EU markets in the "Soft Drinks & Non-alcoholic Beverages" sub-industry
Full List
Market Cap
CCC3.DE COCA-COLA CO/THE 24.84 283.13B
PEP.DE PEPSICO INC 19.16 197.66B
SPA.BR SPADEL SA 21.81 751.15M

About 1KO.MI

Company Profile

1KO logo image The Coca-Cola Co. engages in the manufacturing and marketing of non-alcoholic beverages. The company is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia and currently employs 79,100 full-time employees. The firm's segments include Europe, Middle East and Africa, Latin America, North America, Asia Pacific, Global Ventures and Bottling Investments. The company owns or licenses and markets various beverage brands, which are grouped into categories, such as Trademark Coca-Cola; sparkling flavors; water, sports, coffee and tea; juice, value-added dairy and plant-based beverages and emerging beverages. The company owns and markets various nonalcoholic sparkling soft drink brands, including Coca-Cola, Diet Coke/Coca-Cola Light, Coca-Cola Zero Sugar, Fanta, Fresca, Schweppes, Sprite and Thums Up. Its water, sports, coffee and tea brands include Aquarius, Ayataka, BODYARMOR, Ciel, Costa, Dasani, dogadan, FUZE TEA, Georgia, glaceau smartwater, glaceau vitaminwater, Gold Peak, Ice Dew, I LOHAS, Powerade and Topo Chico. Its juice, value-added dairy and plant-based beverages brands include AdeS, Del Valle, fairlife, innocent, Minute Maid, Minute Maid Pulpy and Simply.

Company Info


1 Coca Cola Plz NW


Employees: 79100

Company Website: https://www.coca-colacompany.com/

Investor Relations: https://investors.coca-colacompany.com

Phone: 14046762121


What is the stock price of COCA-COLA CO/THE today?

The current stock price of 1KO.MI is 65.79 EUR. The price increased by 1.86% in the last trading session.

What is the ticker symbol for COCA-COLA CO/THE stock?

The exchange symbol of COCA-COLA CO/THE is 1KO and it is listed on the Euronext Milan exchange.

On which exchange is 1KO.MI stock listed?

1KO.MI stock is listed on the Euronext Milan exchange.

What is the price forecast or stock price prediction for COCA-COLA CO/THE stock?

36 analysts have analysed 1KO.MI and the average price target is 72.43 EUR. This implies a price increase of 10.09% is expected in the next year compared to the current price of 65.79. Check the COCA-COLA CO/THE stock analysts ratings, price target forecast and up-and down grades for more detailed information.

What is COCA-COLA CO/THE worth?

COCA-COLA CO/THE (1KO.MI) has a market capitalization of 282.96B EUR. This makes 1KO.MI a Mega Cap stock.

How many employees does COCA-COLA CO/THE have?

COCA-COLA CO/THE (1KO.MI) currently has 79100 employees.

What are the support and resistance levels for COCA-COLA CO/THE (1KO.MI) stock?

COCA-COLA CO/THE (1KO.MI) has a support level at 60 and a resistance level at 66.01. Check the full technical report for a detailed analysis of 1KO.MI support and resistance levels.

Is COCA-COLA CO/THE (1KO.MI) expected to grow?

The Revenue of COCA-COLA CO/THE (1KO.MI) is expected to grow by 3.81% in the next year. Check the estimates tab for more information on the 1KO.MI EPS, Sales, EBIT and EBITDA future analyst estimates.

Should I buy COCA-COLA CO/THE (1KO.MI) stock?

There is no straightforward answer here. It depends on your investment strategy as different types of investors will look at different aspects. In any case it is important to make an informed decision and these pages can help you forming an opinion:

Does COCA-COLA CO/THE (1KO.MI) stock pay dividends?

COCA-COLA CO/THE (1KO.MI) has a dividend yield of 2.9%. The yearly dividend amount is currently 1.79. Check the full fundamental report for a detailed analysis of 1KO.MI dividend history, reliability and sustainability.

When does COCA-COLA CO/THE (1KO.MI) report earnings?

COCA-COLA CO/THE (1KO.MI) will report earnings on 2025-04-28, before the market open.

What is the Price/Earnings (PE) ratio of COCA-COLA CO/THE (1KO.MI)?

The PE ratio for COCA-COLA CO/THE (1KO.MI) is 24.83. This is based on the reported non-GAAP earnings per share of 2.65 and the current share price of 65.79 EUR. Check the full fundamental report for a full analysis of the valuation metrics for 1KO.MI.

1KO.MI Technical Analysis

ChartMill assigns a technical rating of 6 / 10 to 1KO.MI.

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating

1KO.MI Fundamental Analysis

ChartMill assigns a fundamental rating of 5 / 10 to 1KO.MI. 1KO.MI scores excellent on profitability, but there are some minor concerns on its financial health.

Chartmill FA Analysis

1KO.MI Financial Highlights

Over the last trailing twelve months 1KO.MI reported a non-GAAP Earnings per Share(EPS) of 2.65. The EPS increased by 7.06% compared to the year before.

Industry RankSector Rank
PM (TTM) 22.59%
ROA 10.57%
ROE 42.77%
Debt/Equity 1.77
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%12.24%
Sales Q2Q%4.17%
EPS 1Y (TTM)7.06%
Revenue 1Y (TTM)2.86%

1KO.MI Ownership and Analysts

ChartMill assigns a Buy % Consensus number of 81% to 1KO.MI. The Buy consensus is the average rating of analysts ratings from 36 analysts.

For the next year, analysts expect an EPS growth of 5.72% and a revenue growth 3.81% for 1KO.MI

Inst Owners64.53%
Ins Owners0.57%
Short Float %N/A
Short RatioN/A
Price Target72.43 (10.09%)
EPS Next Y5.72%
Revenue Next Year3.81%