By Mill Chart
Last update: Mar 6, 2025
Quality investors are looking for the best of the best. Companies which are growing steadily and consistently, but are also in excellent financial condition. We will have a look here to see if WATSCO INC (NYSE:WSO) is suited for quality investing. Investors should of course do their own research, but we spotted WATSCO INC showing up in our Caviar Cruise quality screen, so it may be worth spending some more time on it.
Every day, ChartMill assigns a Fundamental Rating to each stock, providing a score ranging from 0 to 10. This rating is determined by evaluating various fundamental indicators and properties.
Taking everything into account, WSO scores 6 out of 10 in our fundamental rating. WSO was compared to 48 industry peers in the Trading Companies & Distributors industry. WSO has outstanding health and profitabily ratings, belonging to the best of the industry. This is a solid base for any company. WSO is valied quite expensively at the moment, while it does show a decent growth rate. With these ratings, WSO could be worth investigating further for quality investing!.
For an up to date full fundamental analysis you can check the fundamental report of WSO
More quality stocks can be found in our Caviar Cruise screen.
This is not investing advice! The article highlights some of the observations at the time of writing, but you should always make your own analysis and invest based on your own insights.
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A fundamental analysis of (NYSE:WSO): Why WATSCO INC (NYSE:WSO) should be investigated by quality investors.