By Mill Chart
Last update: Dec 17, 2024
Quality investors are looking for the best of the best. Companies which are growing steadily and consistently, but are also in excellent financial condition. We will have a look here to see if ACI WORLDWIDE INC (NASDAQ:ACIW) is suited for quality investing. Investors should of course do their own research, but we spotted ACI WORLDWIDE INC showing up in our Caviar Cruise quality screen, so it may be worth spending some more time on it.
ChartMill utilizes a proprietary algorithm to assign a Fundamental Rating to every stock. This rating, ranging from 0 to 10, is computed daily by analyzing a variety of fundamental indicators and properties.
We assign a fundamental rating of 6 out of 10 to ACIW. ACIW was compared to 278 industry peers in the Software industry. While ACIW belongs to the best of the industry regarding profitability, there are some minor concerns on its financial health. An interesting combination arises when we look at growth and value: ACIW is growing strongly while it also seems undervalued. This makes ACIW very considerable for value and growth investing!
Check the latest full fundamental report of ACIW for a complete fundamental analysis.
Our Caviar Cruise screen will find you more ideas suited for quality investing.
This is not investing advice! The article highlights some of the observations at the time of writing, but you should always make your own analysis and invest based on your own insights.
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A fundamental and technical analysis of (NASDAQ:ACIW): Why the high growth investor may take a look at ACI WORLDWIDE INC (NASDAQ:ACIW).
Based on Fundamental Analysis it can be said that NASDAQ:ACIW is a growth stock which is not overvalued.