Welcome to the ChartMill Stock Charts!
The main feature of the Stock Charts is displaying stock charts with Technical Indicators, but it can do much more! Features include:
- Display multiple charts: Enter your tickers separated by a ',' or space to display multiple charts.
- Load a watchlist: load a watchlist by using the icon at the end of the ticker input line.
- Add Technical Indicators by clicking the icon at the end of the indicator list.
- Save a chart configuration: Once you are happy about your chart configuration, save it by using the icon.
- Load a saved configuration: When you return you can always load back your saved configurations by using the icon.
- View multiple charts of the same stock next to each other: The Secondary
Chart main tab allows you to configure your
secondary chart. A popular use case is a Daily and Weekly Chart next to each other.
- Set a default chart configuration on your account page. This configuration will always load by default
when you visit the charts.
- Add stocks to watchlists: Each item in the results always has a icon which can be used to add the stock to a watchlist.
Note: To display a secondary chart you need to change the view to for instance 2
Configuration Options
- TimeFrame: Change the timeframe to Weekly, Monthly or many intraday timeframes.
- Type: Display a candlestick, bar or line chart.
- Period: Configure the period you want to see on the chart.
- Size: You can configure the size of a chart by changing the Chart Per Line and Big Charts parameters on the results header.
Viewing Results
Below the results header you will see the output of the tickers entered.
How you display the results can be configured:
- Change the view: A view determines which data you see for each individual stock. Many views are available, you can see your
results in a table, in charts, or in more elaborate Technical and Fundamental views.
- Set your default view.: On your account page you can configure a default view so it is
loaded automatically when you revisit.
- A Secondary view allows you to combine different views and see 2 views per
- Change the Sorting of stocks: you can sort stocks by many criteria. Use the
Sorted by and ASC/DEC dropdowns to change the sorting,
or click the table headers.
- Add stocks to watchlists: Each item in the results always has a icon which can be used to add the stock to a watchlist.
- Set Alerts on stocks: Each item in the results always has a icon which can be used to add an alert on the stock.
- Set Alerts on watchlists: Load a watchlist and use the icon on the results bar to configure the alert for all stocks in the list.
- Custom Views: At the end of the view dropdown you can pick Create Custom
View to make a custom table or 3 column view.
Stock Charts Video
The documentation contains a video overview of
the stock charts.