US9675902095 - Common Stock

4.38  +0.19 (+4.53%)

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NYSEARCA:WYY (7/1/2024, 12:31:36 PM)


+0.19 (+4.53%)

Chartmill TA Rating
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GICS SectorInformation Technology
GICS IndustryIT Services
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Chartmill High Growth Momentum
Sales Q2Q%
6 Month80.6%
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Ins Owners
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Market Cap40.78M
Dividend YieldN/A
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Company Profile

WidePoint Corp. engages in the provision of Technology Management as a Service (TMaaS). The company is headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia and currently employs 215 full-time employees. TMaaS consists of federally certified communications management, identity management, interactive bill presentment and analytics, and information technology (IT) as a service solution. The company provides a range of services, which includes telecom lifecycle management, mobile and identity management, digital billing and analytics solutions, and IT as a service (ITaaS). The company offers telecom lifecycle management solutions to enterprises both in the public and private sectors. The mobile and identity management solution offers federally certified digital certificates and credentials that enable its customers to provide multifactor authentication (MFA) solutions. The digital billing and analytics solutions offer billing communications and analytics solutions to large communications service providers (CSPs). Its IT as a service solution offers cybersecurity, cloud services, network operations and professional services.

Company Info


11250 Waples Mill Road, South Tower, Suite 210

Fairfax VIRGINIA 22030

P: 17033492577

CEO: Jin H. Kang

Employees: 215

Website: https://www.widepoint.com

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