US82711P2011 - Common Stock

1.71  +0.62 (+56.88%)

After market: 1.35 -0.36 (-21.05%)


NASDAQ:SILO (1/8/2025, 10:35:43 PM)

After market: 1.35 -0.36 (-21.05%)


+0.62 (+56.88%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorHealth Care
GICS IndustryBiotechnology
GICS SubIndustryBiotechnology
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%-2.81%
Sales Q2Q%-9.85%
6 Month69.31%
Earnings (Last)11-11 2024-11-11
Earnings (Next)N/A N/A
Ins Owners4.14%
Inst Owners2.67%
Market Cap7.66M
Dividend YieldN/A
Short Float %6.34%
Short Ratio0.79
IPO01-05 2012-01-05
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Company Profile

Silo Pharma, Inc. is a developmental stage biopharmaceutical company, which engages in the merging of traditional therapeutics with psychedelic research. The company is headquartered in Sarasota, Florida and currently employs 3 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2012-01-05. The firm is focused on developing novel therapeutics that address underserved conditions including stress-induced psychiatric disorders, chronic pain conditions, and central nervous system (CNS) diseases. The company is engaged in acquiring and/or developing intellectual property or technology rights from universities and researchers to treat rare diseases, including the use of psychedelic drugs, such as psilocybin, and the potential benefits they may have in certain cases involving depression, mental health issues and neurological disorders. The Company’s lead program, SPC-15, is an intranasal treatment targeting PTSD and stress-induced anxiety disorders. Its SP-26 is a time-release ketamine-loaded implant for fibromyalgia and chronic pain relief. Its two preclinical programs are SPC-14, an intranasal compound for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, and SPU-16, a CNS-homing peptide targeting multiple sclerosis (MS).

Company Info


677 N. Washington Blvd

Sarasota FLORIDA

P: 17184009031

Employees: 3



ChartMill News Image2 hours ago - ChartmillThursday's after hours session: top gainers and losers

Thursday's after hours session: top gainers and losers

ChartMill News Imagea day ago - ChartmillStay updated with the stocks that are on the move in today's after-hours session.

After the conclusion of the US market's regular session on Wednesday, let's examine the after-hours session and unveil the notable performers among the top gainers and losers.

ChartMill News Imagea day ago - ChartmillTop movers in Wednesday's session

Stay up-to-date with the latest market trends one hour before the close of the markets on Wednesday. Explore the top gainers and losers during today's session in our detailed report.

ChartMill News Imagea day ago - ChartmillWednesday's session is buzzing with activity. Check out the stocks that are attracting the most attention and driving market activity!

Wednesday's session is buzzing with activity. Check out the stocks that are attracting the most attention and driving market activity!

ChartMill News Imagea day ago - ChartmillLet's take a look at the stocks that are in motion in today's session.

What's going on in today's session

ChartMill News Imagea day ago - ChartmillThe market is filled with gapping stocks in Wednesday's session. Let's discover which stocks are showing gap-ups and gap-downs.

Let's delve into the US markets on Wednesday and uncover the stocks that are experiencing notable gaps in today's session. Below, you'll find the gap up and gap down stocks.

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