US89357L3033 - Common Stock

3.49  -0.15 (-4.12%)


NASDAQ:RNAZ (1/6/2025, 8:00:01 PM)


-0.15 (-4.12%)

Chartmill TA Rating
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GICS SectorHealth Care
GICS IndustryBiotechnology
GICS SubIndustryBiotechnology
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%99.76%
Sales Q2Q%N/A
6 Month-87.66%
Earnings (Last)11-14 2024-11-14/amc
Earnings (Next)N/A N/A
Ins Owners0.01%
Inst Owners11.46%
Market Cap1.81M
Dividend YieldN/A
Short Float %N/A
Short Ratio0.12
IPO04-28 2021-04-28
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Company Profile

TransCode Therapeutics, Inc. engages in the development and commercializing of diagnostics and therapeutics for the detection and treatment of cancer. The company is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts and currently employs 10 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2021-04-28. The firm is focused on treating cancer through the design and delivery of ribonucleic acid (RNA) therapeutics based on its TTX nanoparticle platform. The Company’s lead therapeutic candidate, TTX-MC138, is focused on treating metastatic tumors which overexpress microRNA-10b, a unique, well-documented biomarker of metastasis. Its preclinical programs include TTX-siPDL1, an siRNA-based modulator of programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1), and two indication agnostic programs, TTX-RIGA, an RNA-based agonist of the retinoic acid- inducible gene I (RIG-I), targeting activation of innate immunity in the tumor microenvironment; and TTX- CRISPR, a CRISPR/Cas9-based therapy platform for the repair or elimination of cancer-causing genes inside tumor cells. The Company’s pipeline also includes TTX-mRNA, a tumor-type specific mRNA-based platform for the development of cancer vaccines.

Company Info


6 Liberty Square, #2382


P: 18573016857

CEO: Robert Michael Dudley

Employees: 10



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