US7496071074 - Common Stock

153.04  +2.75 (+1.83%)

After market: 153.04 0 (0%)


NYSE:RLI (1/14/2025, 8:04:00 PM)

After market: 153.04 0 (0%)


+2.75 (+1.83%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorFinancials
GICS IndustryInsurance
GICS SubIndustryProperty & Casualty Insurance
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%114.75%
Sales Q2Q%19.96%
6 Month9.79%
Earnings (Last)10-21 2024-10-21/amc
Earnings (Next)01-22 2025-01-22/amc
Ins Owners0.79%
Inst Owners81.43%
Market Cap7.01B
Fwd PE23.73
Dividend Yield0.76%
Short Float %1.09%
Short Ratio2.67
IPO03-17 1980-03-17
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Company Profile

RLI Corp. operates as a holding company, which engages in the provision of insurance and underwriting services. The company is headquartered in Peoria, Illinois and currently employs 1,099 full-time employees. The firm provides underwriting expertise and service to commercial and personal line customers nationwide. The Company’s segment includes Casualty, Property and Surety. The casualty portion of its business consists largely of commercial excess, personal umbrella, general liability, transportation, and management liability coverages, as well as package business and other specialty coverages, such as professional liability and worker’s compensation for office-based professionals. Its Property segment is comprised primarily of commercial fire, hurricane, earthquake, difference in conditions and marine coverages. Its Surety segment specializes in writing small to medium-sized contract surety coverages, including payment and performance bonds. Its products are offered through its insurance subsidiaries, RLI Insurance Company, Mt. Hawley Insurance Company and Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company.

Company Info


9025 N. Lindbergh Drive

Peoria ILLINOIS 61615

P: 13096921000

CEO: Jonathan E. Michael

Employees: 1099

Website: https://www.rlicorp.com/

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