US0905722072 - Common Stock

342.23  -9.47 (-2.69%)

After market: 342.23 0 (0%)


NYSE:BIO (1/14/2025, 8:26:06 PM)

After market: 342.23 0 (0%)


-9.47 (-2.69%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorHealth Care
GICS IndustryLife Sciences Tools & Services
GICS SubIndustryLife Sciences Tools & Services
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%-13.73%
Sales Q2Q%2.79%
6 Month15.3%
Earnings (Last)10-30 2024-10-30/amc
Earnings (Next)02-13 2025-02-13/amc
Ins Owners3.68%
Inst Owners89.21%
Market Cap9.58B
Fwd PE29.43
Dividend YieldN/A
Short Float %3.39%
Short Ratio3.54
IPO03-17 1980-03-17
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BIO Daily chart

Company Profile

Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. engages in the development and production of specialty chemicals used in biochemical, pharmaceutical, and other life science research applications. The company is headquartered in Hercules, California and currently employs 8,030 full-time employees. The firm offers a range of products and systems used to separate complex chemical and biological materials and to identify, analyze and purify their components. The firm operates through two segments: Life Science and Clinical Diagnostics. Its Life Science segment develops, manufactures, and markets instruments, systems, reagents, and consumables used for biological research, biopharmaceutical production processes and food testing regimes. The Clinical Diagnostics segment designs, manufactures, markets and supports test systems, informatics systems, test kits and specialized quality controls that serve clinical laboratories in the global diagnostics market. These products are primarily sold to hospital laboratories, diagnostic reference laboratories, transfusion laboratories, and physician office laboratories.

Company Info


1000 Alfred Nobel Dr

Hercules CALIFORNIA 94547

P: 15107247000

CEO: Norman Schwartz

Employees: 8030


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