US02322P3091 - ADR

2.1  -1.31 (-38.42%)

Premarket: 2.39 +0.29 (+13.81%)


NYSEARCA:AMBO (12/31/2024, 8:07:26 PM)

Premarket: 2.39 +0.29 (+13.81%)


-1.31 (-38.42%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorConsumer Discretionary
GICS IndustryDiversified Consumer Services
GICS SubIndustryEducation Services
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
EPS Q2Q%79.87%
Sales Q2Q%-38.25%
6 Month75%
Earnings (Last)04-01 2024-04-01/amc
Earnings (Next)N/A N/A
Ins OwnersN/A
Inst Owners0.17%
Market Cap5.96M
Dividend YieldN/A
Short Float %0.67%
Short Ratio0.08
IPO08-05 2010-08-05
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Company Profile

Ambow Education Holding Ltd. engages in the provision of solutions that facilitate hybrid online and offline learning as well as content development in the higher education and workforce training industries. The company is headquartered in Cupertino, California and currently employs 37 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2010-08-05. The firm is an artificial intelligence (AI)-driven education technology company that primarily conducts its operations through its subsidiaries in the United States of America. The company enables educational institutions, educators and students by delivering AI and connectivity solutions specifically crafted for the educational sector. Leveraging its HybriU technology alongside the NewSchool of Architecture & Design in San Diego, California, the Company is delivering personalized career education services with sophisticated AI-driven digital education technologies and solutions. Its HybriU platform is a cloud-based learning engine allows colleges and universities to accommodate their students’ individual learning preferences. Its HybriU platform also enables institutions to provide online classes, instant AI translation, and simultaneous content creation. The firm offers career-oriented post-secondary educational services.

Company Info


10080 N. Wolfe Rd, Suite Sw3-200

Cupertino CALIFORNIA 100043

P: 16288884587

CEO: Jin Huang

Employees: 99



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