By Mill Chart
Last update: Dec 18, 2024
Discover RADIAN GROUP INC (NYSE:RDN)—a stock that our stock screener has recognized as a solid dividend pick with strong fundamentals. NYSE:RDN showcases decent financial health and profitability while providing a sustainable dividend. We'll explore the specifics further.
ChartMill assigns a Dividend Rating to each stock, ranging from 0 to 10. This rating is calculated by analyzing various dividend elements, such as yield, historical performance, dividend growth, and sustainability. NYSE:RDN has been awarded a 7 for its dividend quality:
Every stock is evaluated by ChartMill, receiving a Health Rating on a scale of 0 to 10. This assessment considers different health aspects, including liquidity and solvency, both in absolute terms and relative to industry peers. NYSE:RDN has achieved a 5 out of 10:
ChartMill employs its own Profitability Rating system for stock evaluation. This score, ranging from 0 to 10, is derived from an analysis of diverse profitability metrics and margins. In the case of NYSE:RDN, the assigned 5 is noteworthy for profitability:
More Best Dividend stocks can be found in our Best Dividend screener.
Our latest full fundamental report of RDN contains the most current fundamental analsysis.
Important Note: The content of this article is not intended as trading advice. It is essential to perform your own analysis and exercise caution when making trading decisions. The article presents observations created by automated analysis but does not guarantee any trading or investment outcomes. Always trade responsibly and make independent judgments.