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Patriot Drills 83.7 m of 3.13% Li2O, including 19.8 m of 5.28% Li2O, and Extends High-Grade Nova Zone, Corvette Property, Quebec, Canada

Provided By Globe Newswire

Last update: Mar 29, 2023


Darren L. Smith, Company Vice President of Exploration, comments: “The first core sample assays of our winter drill program have confirmed the extension of the high-grade Nova Zone to the east, including a 20 m intersection at greater than 5% Li2O in CV23-105. The lithium grades found in this zone are very significant, and include a 3 - 25 m thick (core length) band of greater than 5% Li2O over a significant strike length of 200+ m. The Company continues to delineate the Nova Zone and the overall CV5 Pegmatite, which remains open along strike at both ends and to depth along most of its length. The size of the CV5 Pegmatite has grown substantially through the winter drill program completed to date, and the results announced today further affirms Corvette as a globally significant hard rock lithium pegmatite project.”

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