Provided By Business Wire
Last update: Oct 30, 2024
New Jersey Natural Gas (NJNG), the principal subsidiary of New Jersey Resources (NYSE: NJR), today received approval from the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) for the next generation of its SAVEGREEN® program. The expanded solutions underscore NJNG’s commitment to advancing energy-efficiency opportunities and pursuing new, cleaner energy technologies to help customers reduce their energy usage and lower their energy bills. This program cycle is scheduled to go into effect January 1, 2025, and continue through June 30, 2027, positioning NJNG to meet its annual energy-saving goals consistent with the New Jersey Clean Energy Act.
“These energy-efficiency programs are a win-win proposition, helping customers save money by using less energy and lower carbon emissions in support of New Jersey’s long-term goals,” said Steve Westhoven, president and CEO of New Jersey Natural Gas. “Today’s approval will allow NJNG to expand these commonsense solutions for our customers and pursue cutting-edge technologies including gas heat pumps for commercial customers, hybrid heating and geothermal systems. The growth of our SAVEGREEN program is an important step forward in our decarbonization journey as we empower customers with smart energy practices that help lower their energy bills. We thank the Board of Public Utilities and Rate Counsel for their continued support of energy-efficiency programs as we work toward a cleaner energy future.”
The BPU’s decision paves the way for the company’s largest energy-efficiency program to date. It continues NJNG’s residential and commercial core offerings, including rebates and 0%* financing to help make equipment replacement and whole building energy-efficiency measures easier and more affordable.
NJNG is authorized to invest $385.6 million over the 30-month period to strengthen SAVEGREEN and ensure access to energy-efficiency measures for its residential and commercial customers – including targeted efforts to serve low- to moderate-income (LMI), multifamily and small business customers. This investment comprises $205 million to directly fund SAVEGREEN programs and $160.5 million to provide 0%* financing opportunities for customers. It also includes $20.1 million to cover operation and maintenance expenses required for program delivery.
Of the direct program funding, over $33 million is allocated for programs designed to help ensure equitable access to energy affordability specifically for LMI customers. Qualified customers can receive comprehensive home energy-efficiency improvements at no cost, with opportunities to upgrade heating, cooling and water heating equipment, insulation, air sealing and more. The multifamily program will allow buildings serving LMI customers to implement energy-efficiency projects that address common areas and equipment, as well as upgrades to individual tenant units.
If fully subscribed, SAVEGREEN will enable participating customers to save more than 109.8 million therms of natural gas over the length of the program. This equates to preventing the release of 580,592 metric tons of carbon dioxide – the same as removing 138,268 cars from New Jersey roadways each year.
Building on Success
The next generation of SAVEGREEN introduces enhanced features designed to eliminate barriers to participation and make energy efficiency easier and more affordable. Modifications to rebates and incentives — including increased financing* for residential programs — address the unique budgets of customers. Incentivized measures include:
Pursuing Decarbonization with New, Innovative Technology
The next wave of SAVEGREEN offerings provides rebates and 0%* financing for customers to pursue hybrid heat and gas heat pumps (limited to commercial customers), and for NJNG to explore the benefits of district geothermal heating. These technologies are emerging as powerful tools for meeting energy-efficiency and emission-reduction goals.
These innovative approaches can provide valuable insights and help support consideration for broader decarbonization and energy-efficiency solutions in the future. Moreover, approval of the new program allows NJNG to study and explore the feasibility of deploying a district geothermal system within its service territory. This approach could potentially serve residential, commercial and multifamily customers and particularly benefit low- to moderate-income customers.
Economic Development
As the demand for energy-efficiency projects continues to increase, NJNG recognizes the need to broaden technical training for both new entrants to the industry and existing skilled trade professionals. To support the development and strengthening of this workforce, the company will enhance its Workforce Development Program with the opening of the new SAVEGREEN training facility located in Monmouth County.
Since its inception in 2009, SAVEGREEN has helped thousands of participating contractors/trade allies generate nearly $665 million in economic activity. Over the lifetime of the program, more than 100,726 customers have taken advantage of rebates and incentives for energy-efficiency improvements.
*Terms and conditions apply. For detailed terms and conditions, including financing terms, eligibility requirements and qualifying equipment, visit
About New Jersey Resources
New Jersey Resources (NYSE: NJR) is a Fortune 1000 company that, through its subsidiaries, provides safe and reliable natural gas and clean energy services, including transportation, distribution, asset management and home services. NJR is composed of five primary businesses:
NJR and its over 1,300 employees are committed to helping customers save energy and money by promoting conservation and encouraging efficiency through Conserve to Preserve® and initiatives such as SAVEGREEN® and The Sunlight Advantage®.
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