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Last update: Jul 18, 2022
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Juggernaut Exploration Ltd (JUGR.V) (OTCQB: JUGRF) (FSE: 4JE) (the “Company” or “Juggernaut”) is pleased to report the discovery of an extensive chargeability and resistivity anomaly underlying the recently discovered Eskay-style Volcanogenic Hosted Massive Sulphide (VHMS) Target (Kokomo showing) on its 100% controlled Midas Property. The new 3D inversion of the Induced Polarization data performed by an independent geophysical company highlighted a 120 m by 150 m chargeability anomaly and a 350 by 200 resistivity anomaly from surface to 200 m depth that remains open to the South and East conducive for semi-massive to massive sulphides like those confirmed at surface on Kokomo. The Kokomo showing contains high-grade gold-silver polymetallic mineralization in semi-massive to massive sulphides (chalcopyrite, sphalerite and pyrite) where a 1 m chip sample assayed 9.343 gpt Au, 117 gpt Ag, 1.58 % Cu and 1.77 % Zn. The outcrop remains open in all directions where outcrops of the same or similar lithology extend over several hundred meters. The Kokomo showing is located in the headwaters of a drainage where the best Bulk Leach Extractable Gold (BLEG) stream sediment sample collected on the property assayed 29 ppb Au, 613 ppb Ag, 137 ppm Cu, 54.4 ppm Pb and 462 ppm Zn strongly indicating Kokomo as the source.