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OTC Markets Group Welcomes Desert Mountain Energy Corp. to OTCQX

Provided By PR Newswire

Last update: Apr 26, 2021

NEW YORK, April 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ - OTC Markets Group Inc. (OTCQX: OTCM), operator of financial markets for 11,000 U.S. and global securities, today announced Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (TSXV: DME) (OTCQX: DMEHF), a resource company, has qualified to trade on the OTCQX® Best Market. Desert Mountain Energy Corp. upgraded to OTCQX from the OTCQB® Venture Market.

Desert Mountain Energy Corp. begins trading today on OTCQX under the symbol "DMEHF."  U.S. investors can find current financial disclosure and Real-Time Level 2 quotes for the company on

The OTCQX Market is designed for established, investor-focused U.S. and international companies. To qualify for OTCQX, companies must meet high financial standards, follow best practice corporate governance, and demonstrate compliance with applicable securities laws. Graduating to the OTCQX Market from the OTCQB Market marks an important milestone for companies, enabling them to demonstrate their qualifications and build visibility among U.S. investors.

CEO of Desert Mountain Energy Robert Rolhfing said, "the Company is privileged to be accepted to the OTCQX market and through this affiliation will be able to reach a wider US equity market audience."

About Desert Mountain Energy Corp.

Desert Mountain Energy Corp. is a publicly traded exploration and resource company focused on the discovery and development of rare earth gas fields in the U.S.  The Company is primarily looking for elements deemed critical to the renewable energy and high technology industries.

About OTC Markets Group Inc.

OTC Markets Group Inc. (OTCQX: OTCM) operates the OTCQX® Best Market, the OTCQB® Venture Market and the Pink® Open Market for 11,000 U.S. and global securities.  Through OTC Link® ATS and OTC Link ECN, we connect a diverse network of broker-dealers that provide liquidity and execution services.  We enable investors to easily trade through the broker of their choice and empower companies to improve the quality of information available for investors.

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OTC Link ATS and OTC Link ECN are SEC regulated ATSs, operated by OTC Link LLC, member FINRA/SIPC.

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